Monday, April 15, 2013

DMX on Iyanla's Fix My Life: Stop Shifting The Blame!

Welcome to my new blog.!!! My name is Shira Dillon and I am a high school teacher in Los Angeles, CA. This blog will explore the mind and life of teenagers today and help adults better connect with them. Please come by often or subscribe so you can receive these bogs by email. And don't forget to Like My Facebook Fan Page to unite with me to help public education become a better institution of learning. Our children need it!

As humans, we have a tendency to not take responsibility for our actions when they aren't as pleasing as we want them to be.  When we are kids, we blame our siblings and our peers. As adults, we often blame our parents.  The christians blame it on the devil, and the "Foxx's" of the world blame it on the alcohol.  However, one of the most refreshing statements one can utter is "It's my fault." The first step on the road to fixing one's life is to accept responsibility for our own actions.

As I watched DMX (Dark Man Unknown) on Iyanla's "Fix My Life" Saturday, April 13, 2013 on OWN I was heartbroken that a rapper that once sold 30 million albums was on television acting a down right fool.  What was even worst was his unwillingness to take responsibility for his own actions.  Everything was about his past, that his mom sent him away when he was seven, and he was doing drugs before his career took off, etc. etc. etc.  All those things may be true, but it is time to stop shifting the blame and start taking responsibility for our actions. 

                              To learn how to take responsiblity for your actions click here

After appearing on the show, DMX  made a statement that Iyanla made him look bad on her show.  No sir, you and your drugs made you look bad on her show.  Stop Shifting The Blame. DMX has lost his mind, and say this with all the love I can. It is his fault. That is the real story but it does not have to be the end of his story.

There's a saying that goes "Your rituals equals your results." As a school teacher, I run a workshop with my students that carries the title of the same saying.  Whatever results you have in your life, good or bad, you reap overtime based on your daily rituals. When you look at a student who has a daily ritual of going to school everyday and on time, the direct result from that will be perfect attendance. Now the school may not acknowledge perfect attendance of the child right away, but before the end of the year, the student will get a certificate, trophy, or be acknowledge at a school assembly for perfect attendance.

 So what does this show us?

It shows that we don't always see the results immediately, but overtime we will see the results.  Ladies and gentleman, I encourage you if you haven't done so to check out the premiere of Iyanla's Fix My Life with DMX. A fast life of drugs, promiscuity, and snapping off at folks has landed him in what I call a state of emergency.  While I watched, I was able to see that he was in a lot of pain, and has caused a lot of pain in the lives of his family. However, he couldn't accept that as truth and didn't  allow Iyanla to talk, let alone "fix" him.  The root of his pain is a parenting issue based on something that happened to him as a young boy. His mom sent him away due to having discipline problems at age seven. In his 40+ year old adult mind, bad behavior equals not being loved. And he desparately wants to be loved. That was obvious.  However, he is not loving to people, he will not own up to his mistakes, and he uses his loud voice, evil words, and blatant disrespect as a defense mechanism.

At the end of the day, DMX's daily rituals overtime has resulted in the behavior that thousands of viewers witnessed on April 13th. DMX is responsible for losing his mind and he has slip, fallen, and now cannot get up. We have to take ownership for our choices. We all make bad choices! It's Okay! Stop Shifting The Blame! We must learn to take ownership of our mistakes so other's can help us get back up and get our mind back. Making a mistake and being "out of order" is not the end of the world. If we are truthful, every human on earth has made some rough decisions. The decision DMX made to not give up drugs to have a relationship was the worst, but it does not mean that we should turn our backs on him.  It does not mean that their father/son relationship cannot be prepared. It does mean that DMX will have to, as Iyanla would say, DO HIS WORK. And that means taking responsiblity, getting his mind back, and allowing his supporters to pray, encourage, and cheer for his success.

For more info about proper parenting and how to deal with issues before they get out of control click below.                                                      

Shira Dillon is a high school teacher in South, Central Los Angeles. Shira has over 15 years experience working with teenagers and is an expert with helping them and their parents deal with teenage issues. Ms. Dillon is the author of the book Sex, Drugs, and Other Elephants: How To Deal With Teenage Issues that share true stories from the authors life, as well as true stories from teenagers and how they deal with their problems. For more information about the book go to For a consultation, email me at
Follow me on Twitter @ShiraNicole

1 comment:

  1. Girl...great points and awesome observstion too! U r on your way...
